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"Aster Bunny" –  Starsong Magazine 1992
"…Gifts For Nobody" – Dodobobo 1995
"Grotesque" – Santa Barbara Review November 1997
"We'd All Like To Think That" – Satire.org February 1998
"Charlotte's History Lesson – Slugfest Fall 1998
"Spin" – Fantasque June 1998
"Pawns" – Iconoclast June 1999

"Toshi Gumball Will Rock From Where You Live!"– New York Hangover September 2000
"Abduction" – Liquid Ohio 2000
"Winch Mistress" – New York Hangover November 2000
"Highway Games" – New York Hangover March 2001A
"Baby, It's Cold Outside – Burning Sky June 2001
"Eight Arms To Hold You" – House of Pain August 2001
"How Does Your Garden Grow?" – Black Petals October 2002
"The Fall of 1646"– Dark Moon Rising October 2003
"H is for Human, I for Insect" – Lullaby Hearse October 2003

"The Adventures of Smallpox Susie and Pandora Dan" Apocalypse Fiction April 2004
"The Guardian" – Outer Darkness July 2004
"We Commend Her to the Stars" – Neverary October 2004
"Waving to the Dead" – Naked Snake Online May 2005
"The Devils You Know" – September 2005 Astounding Tales
"The Boy in the Water" – The Nautilus Engine
"How Greta Dies" – Abyss & Apex May 2003
"Nyssa and the Time-Stopper of Clapham"–  Wild Violet May 2003
"Drop-Dead Gorgeous" – Future Anthology Magazine September 2005
"Ten Foot Two, Eyes of Blue" – Three-Lobed Burning Eye Sept 2005
"Lt. Salt" – Chaos Theory September 2006
"Witching Hour" – AtomJack Magazine July 2006
"California, 1980" AntiMuse July 2006     
"His Last Christmas," Words of Wisdom January 2008

"Angels Unawares," Fear and Trembling, October 2011
"We Are All Made of Stars," Foliate Oak March 2013
"BYOB" – Morpheus Tales April 2013
"Sleepaway Camp Survivors Journal Entry #36" – Big Pulp's Child of Words September 2014
"The Death of You and Me" – Used Gravitrons December 2014
"The Wonders" – Morpheus Tales December 2014
"The Day Everything Started Screaming at Rebecca" – JJ Outre Review December 2014

"The Ladies Room"-- JJ Outre Review, September 2015

"LOSE EVERYTHING!!!"-- Hello Horror, Winter Issue, February 2016

"The Last Gamble" -- JJ Outre Review, July 2016

"Five Go to Hell" -- Dark Fire Fiction, August 2017

"The Last Murder Mystery" -- Teleport Magazine, July 2019

"The DogWalker" -- Avalon Literary Review, Summer 2019

"The Wrath of Okeanos," reprinted in Soteira Press anthology Horror USA: California December 2019
"D.S.T" -- A Story in 100 Words, March 2020

"Solve for Z" -- Transmundane Press anthology On Time, October 2020

"The Magical Miniature Golf Course of Poblano Beach," Storyteller Magazine, November 2020

"Big Red, The Princess, and Me," Sirius Science Fiction, December 2020

"Frozen Dinners," The Chamber Magazine, January 2021

"The Stairway to Summer," The Headlight Review, January 2022

"Never Swim Alone," Dark Horses: The Magazine of Weird Fiction, April 2023

"Mygalomorphae," Dark Horses: The Magazine of Weird Fiction, November 2023

"Hello Darkness, I'm Dad," Storyteller Magazine, December 2023

POETRY (Incomplete)
"Leaving Planet Britney," can we have our ball back?
"Passenger Pigeon, 1913," and "With Martha S. After the War"-- Poetz.com
"Definitions on Central Park West" – Small Spiral Notebook, Spring 2006
"Amy as It Approaches Zero" – Wild Violet, Vol. V Issue 2, 2006

​"The Dead Doomed Long Lost Angel of Atlantic City, Inc." -- The Hudson Reporter, January 2008

"The Straight-Up Vodka Man," The Homestead Review, 2009

"Drowned" Roanoke Review, 2014

"The Last Christmas," The Santa Clara Review, May 2017

"The Apartments in the Sky," The Pangolin Review, May 2019

"After Rapture," Roanoke Review, May 2020

"This Perfect Day," Better Than Starbucks, July 2020

"Mingy," Grand Little Things, October 2020

"Big Empty," Muddy River Poetry Review, November 2020
"If I had known," Spillwords, November 2020

"Girl With Dog," The Pangolin Review, February 2021

"In Translation," and "'‘No One Can Explain How Planes Stay in the Air,’" Last Leaves #2, May 2021

"I saw a Macaw," Neuro Logical, June 2021

"​​I sleep in a crooked bed so at night my dreams drain away," Green Hills Literary Lantern, July 2021

"Forever, Rabbit" and others,Last Leaves #4, April 2022

"Timbuctoo," Nebo Literary Journal, June 2022

"The Summer I Learned to Putt," "1987," Coming of Age in Florida, August 2022

"melting," Trampoline Review #16.3, January 2023

"The Logic of Tears," Abandoned Mine #6, May 2023

"Extinguishing" and "Memory Care," Shift #5, Ringling College, August 2023

"Only Ghosts Get Stories," Uppagus, October 2023

"On the Plaza," The Metaworker, March 2024

Four poems, Storyteller Magazine, April 2024

Books, movies, and records, plus some politics:
The American Spectator

PJ Media
National Review

The Federalist, mostly book reviews

Splice Today, including a few travelogues

The Last Honest Liberal, a tribute from 1999 to free-speech fighter Nat Hentoff, linked by The Drudge Reportupon Hentoff's death, on Enter State Right

Review of Bush's War by Eric Lichtblau for the  New York Post

Book review for Endnotes, an American Library Association journal, regarding the perils and promises of self-publishing

"'Woke' Librarians Take Their Politics to Another Level," The American Conservative, September 2017

"'Eminently Combustible' -- Charles Williams, the Most Interesting Inkling," SLIS Connecting (the library journal for the University of Southern Mississippi). Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 11.

Book review for the American Library Association's Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy: Monitoring the Movies, by Jennifer Fronc.

​"The Citrus Tower in Clermont -- An Orange-Colored History of One of Florida's Oldest and Tallest Attractions," Fall 2023 issue.